Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Birthday, Why!

Happy Birthday to mybestestclosestfriend, Why!


Yvette said...

Thanks,bestestclosestfriend! And thank you for calling. Things have looked up since I muttered to myself earlier "Birthdays suck." I wish you were here to help celebrate! I could use a few laughs.

Sue Matthews said...

Yes, happy birthday Why! I hope you're having a good day.

Wow Stef, this sounds like a busy birthday week for you!

Unknown said...

Sue - You're telling me! Monday it was a girl at work's b-day, Tuesday was Anna's (old high school), then you, then Rachel and finally Why ... I'm all birthday-ed out, folks!

nickt said...

Tell you what Stef, I'll give you about a month to recover, then you can go crazy with mine!