Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tweedle Dee Dictionary, Part 10

Lozenger: i.e. lozenge. Small sweet or medicinal tablet to be dissolved in the mouth. Usage "I gave her a throat lozenger".


Yvette said...

I'm amazed that you've been able to keep this up for so many weeks...

Unknown said...

And I'm not finished yet ...

Sue Matthews said...

This person can't be real! How does she hold a job? Is English supposed to be her first language?

This is horrifying.

Unknown said...

This person is real. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

Yvette said...

Just thought of another completely annoying word that I don't believe you've covered yet, although I could be wrong: "axed" instead of "asked." Example: I axed him what time it was."