Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Back "home"

What's that saying about "you can't go home?"  Well, I have but I haven't.  Having rented out my condo and the last minute change in departure date, somehow I find myself moved into my parents' house for two whole weeks before I leave for India.  My parents' house is not "home" the way the house in Lachine was "home", if you know what I mean.

My stay at what is jokingly referred to as the Titcombe B&B in NDG is off to a rough start.

Moving Day 1 & 2: Track slush and muck all over carpets and hardwood floors.
Day 1:  Wake up with fever, go to work, come home at lunch time and sleep all afternoon.
Day 2:  Blow a fuse drying my hair at 6am.
Day 3:  What could tomorrow possibly bring? I'm afraid I will overstay my welcome as a guest at the Titcombe B&B pretty fast if anything else happens ...

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