Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans

For those Harry Potter fans out there, you may have come across a little novelty item called "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans". Those that have read or seen the Harry Potter series know that they mean every flavour.

Special thanks to my friendly Angry Gnome for this little pre-non-Birthday present. We tried a couple out at lunchtime today and I just ate the remaining "normal" flavoured beans.

So here's the breakdown: Black Pepper (too scared to try), Blueberry (just tastes like fake jelly bean or something), Booger (too scared to try), Earthworm (a little bit chocolatey, but made me gag), Cherry (Best one - yummy!), Cinnamon (nice, not too hot), Dirt (tastes like dirt without the grainy bits), Ear Wax (Angry Gnome will have to comment, I too scared), Grape Jelly (just like grape jelly!), Grass (just like grass ...), Green Apple (nice, good tart factor), Lemon Drop (lemony), Toasted Marshmallow (Yummy!!!), Buttered Popcorn (very buttery), Sardine (too scared to try), Soap (too scared to try), Spaghetti (exactly like you would expect a spaghetti jelly bean to taste - kinda gross), Spinach (too scared to try), Tutti-Frutti (just like bubble gum), Vomit (WAY too scared to try).

There you have it. If you've tried the really horrible ones, let me know just how gross they were.


Angry Gnome said...

Dude, the truly horrible ones are for your brothers to try this weekend.

Angry Gnome said...

That's what brothers are for.

Unknown said...

Right ... I'll tell them the beans are "fake" flavours. Heh, hope they're not reading this ...

nickt said...

I'm reading it.

I'll make you a deal, if you can get me some of the nastier flavours for THIS weekend (by definition that begins 25 hours from now), I will eat them.

Sue Matthews said...

They make buttered popcorn and toasted marshmallow jellybeans?!? Where can I find them?

Yvette said...

What??? There's no "Pig Poop" flavoured one? Jeez...after smelling pig sty at the farm this summer, I would just LOVE to eat something that tastes like pig shit.

Unknown said...

Sorry Nick - looks like I'll be saving the beans for the other two. But I can get you some for your birthday!

Yvette said...

POOP (SARAH)!!! That is absolutely revolting! One can't help picturing it...

Unknown said...

Fab - we've got Eric's report, now I'm just waiting for Marc's report ...

Marzipan said...

*Careful to anyone going to a party that has a bowl of jelly beans*
These things are for REAL!!! Unfortunately Eric hogged the fun flavors like vomit and sardine but I did have a few myself. Soap tastes just as good as it sounds...delicious. Spaghetti too. Imagine a bowl full of just that. Would that be considered a meal? Spinach was quite bland and not much there. Earthworm on the other hand was really gross. Not much turns my stomach anymore but this was close. I'm glad they don't have a Brussel Sprout flavor yet.

Yvette said...

I'm sure Stef would love to try "Green Pea" flavour, seeing as how much she loves peas.

Unknown said...

I shudder and gag just imagining the green pea flavour ... ugh.

Yvette said...

I was thinking you might like "Nose Drop" flavour as well.