Friday, December 07, 2007

T minus 14

Two weeks to go!

What is it about exercise that is both a pleasure and a pain? I am quickly discovering that while I do have a decent level of cardio endurance, I have no strength. At all. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Wednesday night's practice probably humbled all of us on different levels. Some of the people couldn't paddle for 10 minutes straight, I had no problem. However, as good as I was keeping pace, for the life of me I couldn't do one single, solitary chin-up. Our coach makes all the exercises look ridiculously easy so I really thought that I might get one off at the very least. Never have I been more wrong. Our coach helped me get into the position and then said "OK - Lift!" and I just sorta hung there. If there had been a breeze, I would have been swaying in it. Anyway, not able to lift myself an inch. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't budge. But I did try. Three times. Because humiliating myself once wasn't quite enough, I had to do it three times. Aieeeee ...

Will I ever be able to do this? I don't really know but it will be interesting to see what I can do in six months.


Yvette said...

The blowing in the breeze reference made me laugh out loud. Chin ups suck.

Sue Matthews said...

I laughed too! Which is ironic because had I been there (but of course I'm too lazy too even try) I would have been doing the same thing.

nickt said...

Ok, but chin ups are hard. You're lifting your entire body weight with no starting momentum with only your arms. That's not easy.